Saturday, February 17, 2018

On to RPGM!

I've decided to move the scope of this project to RPG Maker.

ADRIFT was starting to become an issue. First off, I was encountering some annoyance with the system just in the way that every little thing is parceled out. Admittedly, I had an easier time with TADS3 where this was concerned (nesting variables, building conditional statements, etc.), but I ran into more technical challenges with TADS (read: it stopped making sense and it was a headache to figure out how to do damn near anything I wanted to do).

Second, I was running into option paralysis. As limiting as an IF system can be, it can also give you waaaaaaay too many options to create verbs and possibilities. Getting through what I envision as "Day 1" of the game was becoming a nightmare because I kept thinking of new verbs and new descriptions... you get the idea.

RPGM is liberating in that there is less text work to be done and the programming is much, much friendlier than ADRIFT. I'm still planning on incorporating some features of IF that I had already been working on - things like "think about x," which I'd already used as a way to give the player background on characters (and rewarding them with some sex scenes and maybe additional content as the game progresses) without forcing them to engage it. I actually already built in the "Think About" functionality through the skills menu, and am planning the same for other concepts.

I would also estimate that the image work is about the same, if not a bit less. Due to some of the constraints of RPGM, I'll have to script the sex scenes a little more, but I think that's fine and will actually help me refine the scope of my renders for a better final product. In the end, how much does it really help to have a scene where you grope your partner over the shirt before taking it off and doing it again?

As a result, I'm also putting in additional effort in animation. I honestly had no clue how to do animation until a few weeks ago, but I figured it out relatively smoothly and already have a system in place to get some nice looking animations into the game. In fact, I've already tested it in RPGM and would say I've worked out a good system! Here's a still from Victoria Vixxen's promised follow-up, Victoria Vixxen Versus the AutoFuck5000:

This scene is already fully animated and incorporated into the game
Moreover, I've basically gotten everything to the point where I had it in ADRIFT in relatively short order and would say I'm probably about 20% to completion on Day 1. I'll probably release a demo to generate some hype after I complete Day 1.

I'm pretty excited about how far I've been able to take RPGM in this short time and I'm looking forward to sharing additional updates soon!

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